These are stories, reflections and ruminations on insights I might have ignored earlier in life.
“Wisdom? I’m not going to listen to some Rip Van Swamiguru who lives in a cave!”
Ah, youth! And still somehow, I learned. . . from my mistakes. . . from ordinary people with extraordinary sense. . . from stopping to listen. . . or to think. . . from practice. . . and from capturing a memory in a story or song.
When I started writing these realizations down, they were for my consulting clients and colleagues. Now they are for anyone interested in change consulting, leadership, or living wisely.
I may never be wise, but occasionally I have tripped over wisdom from unusual places.
I share it here. Pass it on.
Posts on tips and tools learned in a thirty-seven year career in change consulting. Click Here to read a recent post in this category. Click the button above to subscribe via email.
Traveling the Consulting Road: Career Wisdom for New Consultants, Candidates, and Their Mentors is now available in many places:
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Posts about leading gleaned from helping leaders make strategic change, innovate and improve. Click Here for a recent post in this category.Click the button above to subscribe via email and receive news about the upcoming book, Change Leader? Who me?
Posts about working, loving, and living wisely, learned from my mistakes, unlikely sages and quirky circumstances. Click Here for a recent post in this category. Click the button above to subscribe via email and receive news about the upcoming book, Wisdom from Unusual Places.