Coming Soon

Consulting Wisdom from Unusual Places

Is Consulting Wisdom an Oxymoron?

Hey Newbie, Listen up!

So You Want to be a Consultant?

Traveling the Consulting Road.

Almost six years ago I retired from consulting after thirty-seven years and I hatched a plan. I would write -first on LinkedIn, then on other social media platforms. I would share what I had learned so far in my life and maybe I might save others from making the same boneheaded mistakes I made along the way.

Then I put up this blog in three categories: Consulting, Leading and Living. Now I’m going to publish my first book:

Traveling the Consulting Road: Career wisdom for new consultants, candidates and their mentors.

The book is about consulting for consultants and those investigating the field. It is what I wish I knew at each stage of my career: Newbie, Journeyman, Pro. And of course there are stories, but also some tools and methodologies I found useful in helping clients change their business.

The book will be out in early January, but subscribers to Wisdom from Unusual Places, will get early access and at a discount.

 Watch this space!

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