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And now some expressed and much deserved gratitude:

Acknowledgements: Traveling the Consulting Road

In my life, I have had lots of help. I am not an easy person to help so let me express my gratitude to all who have helped me or tried to help me even if I seemed less than grateful at the time.

Thanks to Dr. George H. Litwin, a mentor who provided me with many exciting clients including the British Airways project I talk so much about. Thanks also to the late Dr. Richard W. Taylor; our work together inspired much of the continuous improvement content of the book.

I’m grateful to all those who have supported my writing over the years, subscribers to my blog, LinkedIn, beBee, Medium, and Dennis Pitocco and my colleagues at BIZCATALYST 360°.

The following people helped me bring this book to fruition:

I thank Bob Frisch of Strategic Offsites Group, Robert Shaffer of Shaffer Consulting and Roopa Unnikrishnan of Center 10 Consulting, all of whom read an early draft and gave feedback that sharpened my audience focus. Thanks especially to Bob Frisch and Roopa Unnikrishnan for their kind words reproduced in the front matter and excerpted on the back cover.

I am grateful to Sandy G. Hickerson for early review and feedback and for much advice on self-publishing. I also thank Aiman Ezzat and Ashwin Yardi of Capgemini Group for arranging a detailed review of a later draft and to Sanjay Negi of Capgemini for that review and his feedback. I appreciate Joe Barnes, Jere Cowden,  Kaye Foster, Naresh Jessani, Brad Martin, Florence Woo, and Bob Yardis for their recommendations.

Thanks to Sean Riley of Kelly Consulting who, along with several current and former BCG, McKinsey, and Gemini consultants (not named by their request), for input to the chapter on mid-career transitions.

I am grateful to Art Kleiner and Wallace Mohlenbrok  for a substantial developmental edit, which changed the structure and flow of the book. Thanks to Lisa Monias of South River Design Team for the cover design and for the interior design and to my son Zac Culler for designing my blog logo and publisher imprint. Thanks to Jay Seldin for the author photograph.

Most of all thank you to my wife, Billie Smith Culler. Billie earned her living as a business writer and editor for more than twenty years. I am extremely fortunate that she has been my first reader, my first and second to nth editor. She has shown amazing patience when I whined, resisted, and ignored her editorial advice only to accept it from someone else later. She has encouraged me,  pulled me out of discouragement periodically, and supported my writing, even when it took time away from our time together. Thank you, Billie! This book wouldn’t have happened without you.

Even though I had a great deal of assistance with this book, any errors are my own and probably due to my obstinate rejection of offered advice.

Thank you also to all my clients and consulting colleagues who made my thirty-seven years in the field a good run and a wild ride.


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