What is Wisdom?

 What is wisdom? Knowledge? Skill?

I don’t think all knowledge or skill qualifies as wisdom, but perhaps it is the kind of knowledge that comes from hard-knock, mistake-riven experience and the kind of skill that comes from great practice, repeated until the hands move unthinkingly, at-one with the craft.

Often those we describe as wise – Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi – exude purpose, deeply held values, and belief in something larger than themselves.

It seems to me that the wise whom I have met are humble. They don’t consider themselves wise. Of course, not everyone who denies their own wisdom is wise; they might be right …or just have low self-esteem.

Often the wise are grateful, but are those who repeatedly say “thank you” truly wise?

We expect the wise to be quiet listeners, but the inverse isn’t necessarily true. This is the plot of the 1979 satirical movie “Being There,” starring Peter Sellers and based upon the Jerzy Kosiński novel. Through a series of misperceptions, Chance, a simple, introverted gardener, is mistaken for a guru. Chance’s plain statements about plant growth are treated as philosophical gold. It is funny, but proof that silent minds don’t always run deep.

We might say that the wise are positive, but certainly not Pollyannas. In the words of the Reinhold Niebuhr Serenity Prayer, they are the ones who know which things to serenely accept because they cannot be changed and which things they must have courage to change. When is serene acceptance wise and when is it just wimping out?

Truthfully, I don’t think we, and by we, I mean society, people, humans, (including me) have any idea what wisdom is or always recognize a wise person when we see him or her. If we did, when they arrive offering wisdom to improve us, we wouldn’t keep crucifying, burning or shooting them.

And yet. . .

From time to time we can see wisdom, recognize it, call it out as a universal truth.

“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

“Never get involved in a land war in Asia.”

We occasionally recognize wisdom. Infrequently it’s a blinding flash that changes our life. Sometimes it’s a quiet voice that says, “Why not start our day engaging the breathing people in our home before interacting with the screen world?”

Perhaps wisdom can come to us in a story or in a song like David Pomeranz’s, “It’s in every one of us.”

“It’s in every one of us to be wise. Find your heart open up both your eyes.

We can all know everything without ever knowing why.

It’s in every one of us, by and by.”

I think we can find some wisdom by reflecting on our lives or by meditating mindfully. I also think we can gain wisdom from what is written and not just by holy men and philosophers. But I think the best source of wisdom may be other people and not only the rich or famous, but ordinary, living, learning people who may be happy to share what they have learned . . . if we just. . . ask.

Perhaps it is wisdom to ask and to listen, to seek and find wisdom from unusual places.


Well, maybe. . . .

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  1. Francesca Renzulli

    “Comes a time when a blind man takes your hand, says don’t you see?”

    I love this Alan! Will check in periodically for a shot of wisdom!

    • Alan Cay Culler

      There are none so blind as those who will not see, eh Francesca? Thanks for your lovely comment -Alan

  2. David Ford

    “if we just. . . ask” – those words resonated with me. We can learn so much by reaching out to others. Most people want to help but they cannot read our minds. Asking them opens the door to that exchange of knowledge.

    • Alan Culler

      A lesson I wish I’d learned when I was much younger, David

  3. Debasish Majumder

    Great post @Alan Culler! enjoyed read. Thank you for this article.

    • Alan Culler

      Thank you, Debasish

  4. Fay Vietmeier

    “Brother” Alan .. great question:
    “When is serene acceptance wise and when is it just wimping out?”
    Reminded me of something I have on occasion ask myself ..
    What is the difference between being still and being stuck?

    Lovely ..
    “It’s in every one of us to be wise.
    .. find your heart
    .. open up both your eyes”

    This is has ever plagued humanity:
    .. the inability to connect the head & hands with the heart (becomes so easily hard-hearts)
    .. closed-eyes (chosen-blindness .. willful ignorance .. conscious incompetence)

    On “wisdom” ..
    .. there is human wisdom
    .. there is Divine wisdom

    God’s wisdom bestows Peace .. and leads to well-being

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
    in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.[a]

    Blessed are those who find wisdom,
    those who gain understanding,
    for she is more profitable than silver
    and yields better returns than gold.
    She is more precious than rubies;
    nothing you desire can compare with her.
    Long life is in her right hand;
    in her left hand are riches and honor.
    Her ways are pleasant ways,
    and all her paths are peace.
    She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her;
    those who hold her fast will be blessed. – Proverbs 3

    • Alan Culler

      Thanks Sister Fay for visiting, subscribing and your comment.
      :between beinng still and being stuck” is what one is thinking -if still my mind is empty, open, if stuck I cannot think for all the voices in my head indecision and recriminations
      Here is a YouTube link for the Pomerantz song
      John Denver covered it as well
      And thank you for Proverbs 3
      “She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her”
      Always up for some tree wisdom.
      Thank you for sharing your faith.

      • Fay Vietmeier

        First brother Alan .. I appreciate .. how fluid it is to comment
        (as in no login)

        Thanks for welcoming my sharing of faith ;~)

        I love the image your son? created for “Wisdom from Unusual Places”

        Since you appreciate “tree wisdom” you should enjoy
        “Be like a tree”


        • Alan Culler

          Thank you, Fay for your kind words about the site and Zac’s work.
          I don’t particularly like log-ins -I have used other means to discourage spammers -hopefully they work.
          So many wonderful inspiring words about trees. Thanks again for your support.


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