Another’s Secret

Another’s Secret

He bore the name of the Prophet.

We had a little difficulty meeting. I was not in the place he expected me to be and the app-map did not have all the street names.

The dealership called him, a service meant to offset labor prices double what I usually pay. There was no charge for the recall, of course, but I understood that the mechanic would “inspect” my six year old vehicle and prescribe further work, which I would verify with my usual mechanic, or not.

“Are you buying a car?” Mohammad asked.

“No, just service.”

“Not something you could not do yourself?”

“A recall. But I don’t do much work myself anymore. I used to work on cars, but not anymore. I don’t understand them – too many computers.”

This seemed not to compute with this old Uber driver. “Not even changing the oil?  Or brakes?”

“I figure at 76 I can let someone else do that.”

“We are the same age, but I like to keep my hand in.”

“I understand. Keeping skills up is valuable.” I relayed my recent failure soldering. “It seems I completely forgot how.”

“Soldering? I could never do that.”

We chatted about the weather, as everyone seems to, then he got around to the inevitable “What do you do?” question. I skipped the part where I responded “retirement” and he responded, “but before?”

“I’m a writer.”

Oh? What do you write?”

“Non-fiction mostly. I just self-published a career advice book for young consultants Traveling the Consulting Road. This didn’t seem to interest him. “I also publish some things from conversations I have with ordinary people I meet.”

Oh? Like what?”

“Well, I often ask people, ‘What is the secret of life?’”


“Yes, imagine a young person sits before you, asks for your life wisdom. What do you say?”

He seemed intrigued. He missed the next turn the GPS suggested.

“That seems such a simple question, but it is very deep.”

I smiled. Mohammad was thinking. This question always takes people by surprise. Most, not all, feel compelled to answer.

“I can only answer this from my faith. People say that Islam means peace, but that is not quite right. There is a kind of peace in it, but Islam means surrender.”

“I had no choice in my birth. I will have no choice in my death; it will come whenever. . . . But in between I have many choices, far too many choices. This is my test. That is the problem of a life. But if I make one choice, if I choose to surrender to the will of God, other choices get easier.”

“People will say ‘ How can I know the will of God?’ but they know – in here.“ He tapped his chest lightly. If ever they do not know what is the right thing to do, stop . . . listen. It seldom takes longer than three heartbeats. If my action helps me, but hurts another, that is not the will of God. If it helps another, and does not cost me dearly, what would stop me?”

I responded that Christians also talk about the Will of God, Buddhists about the eight-fold path and Taoists speak of about The Way.

“Faith is our connection to God, not any particular faith, but faith, and most of all. . . living it.”

We went on to talk about the nature of people (“99% good”), cars (“simpler is better”), food (“ a little that’s good is better than a lot”). And then, some forty minutes later, we said “nice talking with you,” and he dropped me at home.

I always learn something when I ask this question. I am not a religious person, but people often go to the Golden Rule or say that we shouldn’t be “hung up on materials things” or that “hate is toxic.” A few, like Mohammad I believe, are people who try to live their faith.

I will remember the gentle way he tapped his chest in reference to knowing the Will of God.

“They know – in here. And if not – stop . . . listen. It seldom takes longer than three heartbeats.”

I’ve been known to quote the late Andy Rooney, CBS “Sixty Minutes” curmudgeon, on religion: “I’d be more willing to accept religion, even if I didn’t believe it, which I don’t, if I thought it made people nicer to each other, but I don’t think it does.”

I further opine “too many wars have been fought in the name of a belief in God,” but then I think of someone who lives their faith, like the late Fred Rogers, PBS children’s TV creator, or perhaps this gentle Uber driver and I admire their certainty and the luminous path they describe.


Henceforth, I will endeavor to practice his three heartbeat rule. Will you?

Life After Consulting

Life After Consulting


A few weeks ago I wrote “Arriving for the Break,” wherein I poke fun at my way of being in the world, which might be called, ”contrarian temporal synchronicity,” arriving when the band goes on break, buying high and selling low as my investment strategy, and adopting new technology after everyone else has moved on to the next new thing.

In keeping with this tradition, in January I published Traveling the Consulting Road: Career Wisdom for New Consultants, Candidates, and Their Mentors. Surprise! This year it looks like consulting firms are not hiring in the same numbers they did for the last two years; in fact, they are letting go substantial numbers of the bumper crop new hires of the previous two years.  Timing!

Consulting is always a boom and bust business. Consultants help leaders change their business in response to new competitors, new technology, new demographic or psychographic trends of customers, global and regional geopolitics and the economies of industries and nations. These influences move up and down in unpredictable ways.

During the past two years the United States has been recovering from the Covid 19 pandemic, which slowed business in general. Technology boomed for a while because of remote work, but then began to retrench. Electric vehicles boomed, after supply chains recovered, but then the charging station deficit hindered further expansion. Banks were hurt by interest rates, as was real estate and construction. Oil and gas declined in the pandemic because people weren’t driving, but then they were, and then not-so-much.

The consulting industry does well in periods of change characterized by consistent growth (new strategies, innovation)  or in periods of consistent decline (cost cutting, reorganization, continuous improvement). The industry does less well in periods of systemic instability.

So I got caught.

I wrote a book sharing what I learned as a consulting lifer: how to get hired, how to get promoted and be successful when the job changes as you rise. These are boom-time concerns, but I included some bust-time advice as well.

For anyone who doesn’t know the consulting industry, one of a firm’s primary challenges balancing the size and skill base of its workforce to the needs of its market. Firm partners have often lived through several boom and bust cycles. Especially painful memories were the times when they found clients but had no appropriate staff and had to turn work down or delivered poorly. These senior people often talk about “hiring ahead of the curve this time.”

These same partners seem less concerned about having too many staff. This pain just isn’t as personal (for them); they just cut staff.

Most large firms have an “up or out” or “grow or go” policy. This means every so often consultants are evaluated not just on current performance, but on promotion potential. In the view of partners, with input from managers, if you can’t grow, you have to go, or if you can’t go up, you must go out.  The great un-leavening can happen anytime, but often happens in the spring, in time to make room for the new cadre of hires from university or business school. At the end of first quarter, the firm notifies certain staff members that there are “concerns,” about performance. The idea is the firm keeps the best performers it hired and allows the bottom of the distribution to “get on with the value-added part of their career,” (someplace else).

At the beginning of April, Fortune magazine reported that McKinsey had given an unusually high number of “concerns notices” in March. A McKinsey Human Resources spokesperson commented, (somewhat defensively?) that the “percentage of concerns this year was absolutely in line with previous years.” The story went on to describe the tens of thousands of potentially unemployed consultants across the major firms and how this year’s cadre of new consultants was likely to be significantly smaller.

Perfect – just in time for my book’s second quarter sales. Timing!

Perhaps you got caught too?

This isn’t all about me. (Really?)

Maybe you were part of the large cadre or the last two years, or maybe you are a more mid-career consultant who for some reason has come a cropper on the “concerns list” this year. Maybe you were hoping to get one of what you now know to be fewer consulting job offers this year. Maybe you even had a summer internship at a big consulting firm last year and the offer didn’t materialize or was rescinded, (yes, they do that sometimes).

It’s time to get creative, resilient and determined. Here are a few ideas:

If you are Inside a firm:

  • No whining! Consultants can be a whiny bunch – they whine about clients. They whine about staffing. They whine about the travel, but whining will not help you in this situation. Yeah, it’s “not your fault, they over-hired.” Yeah, it may be more political than it should be, (like the rest of life).Yeah, “not everybody is a salesman.” Suck it up and act.
  • Seriously look at your “concerns”:
    • If you are under-applied or under-utilized – look where you might get staffed. Is there firm research that needs to be done? Look at the firm thought leaders -who is writing a book or might write one? Do you know anyone who you might connect a selling partner? What projects might be extending or expanding? (Yes, I know that “staffing yourself” is frowned upon in most firms. I also know that most successful consultants get forgiven for doing that occasionally)
    • If you are a manager with “concerns” – Are you behind schedule, or over budget – get help. Are there people management complaints -ask for a coach.
    • Are you not meeting sales goals – extend or expand where it is reasonable. (It does you no good to annoy clients by selling inappropriately.)
    • If you made a mistake or annoyed someone powerful – Apologize and ask for another chance. I didn’t do this enough in my career, but I’ve learned that humble pie is nutritious for careers.
  • Start a firm or “go independent” – This is definitely not as easy as it sounds. If you will accept one piece of advice from someone who spent twenty three years working for myself as a consultant – have a client first.
  • When you gotta go – Recognize that it not the end of the world
    • Ask for and take as much severance and outplacement help as you can get.
    • Look at smaller consulting firms, which often have different business cycles than the larger firms. Recognize that you’ll be a newbie all over again even if they expect you to “hit-the-ground-running.”
    • Look at university and business school consulting firms, which sometimes look for advisors and keeps your hand in the industry for when times improve.
    • Look at forming internal consulting firms for clients in a single discipline.
    • Look at former employers or their competitors or client companies and their competitors. (Yes, of course, you still have to respect confidential information.)
    • Recognize that joining a regular business is very different than t joining a consulting firm. Assimilate.

If you are outside, hoping to get hired:

  • No whining – (See above.) Also, “yeah, it’s really not fair to rescind an offer.”
  • Decide to go for a consulting job anyway- Sure, it will be more competitive this year. The firms may only show up at the Ivy League and the major business schools this year and make a lot fewer offers. Difficult? Yup. Challenging? Absolutely, but not impossible. A few ideas: (these ideas may help get an internship as well.)
    • Look at smaller firms, small industry specialists where you have industry experience, or those who hire generalists in people stuff.
    • Look at non-profit consulting firms around issues that you care about and have volunteered in.
    • Consider staying on at the university or grad school consulting firm and try again next year. Even if you work somewhere else attend the consulting club programs if you can.
  • Get a job with a prestige firm in industry and try again later – consulting firms often hire from the Fortune 1000.
  • Start a business or get hired by a start-up. Consulting firms love the work ethic of entrepreneurs and the everybody-does-everything-all-the-time culture of start-ups.

There is life outside of consulting.

Some of it even has the same urgent problem-solving and change-driven learning as consulting. Maybe write a book. Just be sure to get your timing right.

Ill-timed perhaps, but still useful.

Cover Traveling the Consulting Road

EBooks are now available in many places. Print is only available on Amazon (for now) but will be coming soon to a bookstore near you.

I would be grateful if you read it. Thanks

Learning from the Brothers Grimm

Learning from the Brothers Grimm

Jake and Wil save German culture

The “Little Corporal” was ruining everything. Napoleon Bonaparte abolished the feudal system; peasants duties to the manorial class were reduced or eliminated.  The lingua franca, or trader’s tongue, that was a combination of Italian French and Spanish words suddenly had more French and was replacing High German – and not just with the confused folk of Alsace.

The Emperor decreed that all must ride horses or drive carriages on the right side of the road, which made defending yourself with a saber awkward. But the absolute worst thing was that good German folk tales were told less often at children bedtime!.

Times under the Korsisch (Corsican) were yet another trial for Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm of Hanau,  In 1796, their father died at forty-four when Jacob, the eldest, was eleven. His father was the sole breadwinner. There were ten children in the Grimm family and Jacob was head of household and had to help support his mother and his siblings. He and his brother Wilhelm were bookish, worked hard at school and were accepted at the prestigious Lyceum high school. They went to university, Jacob took time off to fight Napoleon before getting his law degree. Wilhelm studied German literature.

The Brothers Grimm were broke. They were always looking to make a little money to help “keep the wolf from the door,” so to speak. Today young men might start a YouTube channel, become TikTok influencers, or write a monetized blog.

In 1808 after their mother died they hit on a plan to publish historical German folklore and in 1812 the first edition of Kinder und Hausmãrchen (Children’s and Household Tales), what we know today as Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

Jake and Wil talked about the higher purpose of saving German culture; enough that it is in the lore surrounding the book. Perhaps it was their “elevator pitch” as they traveled the countryside interviewing grossmutters und hausfraus (grandmothers and housewives).

Despite my wisecracks, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were first-rate academic researchers. They documented sources and the evolution of these stories over time. The two volume collection is of significant historical importance in the fields of literature and folklore and has encouraged and enabled further research in the time since its publication. It also happened to make the brothers some money, which they sorely needed.

Und so? (Yeah . . . and?)

In my quest for “Wisdom from Unusual Places,” I decided to read Grimm’s Fairy Tales to see what I might learn. I didn’t read the whole two volume set. I read the Dover Thrift Edition pictured above, forty-three stories translated and published in 2007 about the same time Google Books put a translation and the original online.

Volume one has ninety stories; volume two has one hundred fifteen stories, and ten legends. There are forty-four other stories, the Grimms researched and documented, but never published. Many stories are other versions of the forty-three I read, but some are completely different. I read the short version, but still I learned some stuff.

The Folklore Industry

Probably people have been telling stories to children since before fire was discovered. I wrote earlier in the blog about Aesop whose fables were first recorded in the sixth century BCE. Some of the folktales in Indian culture date to the third or fourth millennium BCE. Tacitus, the roman historian in the first century CE used such stories to determine the character of a people. Jordanes, the sixth century Gothic historian created the divined the history of the Huns from their mythology and folklore, though the academic value of accounts of magical women cohabiting with forest fauns is suspect.

The Grimms collected these stories to demonstrate their Teutonic roots, “Take that Napoleon!”. I find it extremely ironic that some of the same stories were collected by Charles Perrault, of L’Académie Française to venerate French culture. “Cinderella” is in both books. The Little Reed Cap (Rotcäppchen) that we know as “Little Red Riding Hood” is in Perrault as “Le Chapperon Rouge;”

Some turned these stories into entertainment as Walt Disney did in the twentieth century, (Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty).In my house growing up there was a 19320s book of Grimm’s Fairy Tales in English that was pre- Disney and Golden Books and less gruesome than what I just read, but not as sanitized as the Disneyfied versions.

Settings and Architypes

The stories I read in Grimm are all set in medieval times, a time of local feudal kings with the advantages royalty brings. It was also the time of the growth of towns and villages and a burgeoning middle class of tradesmen and shopkeepers. So the tales are full of tailors, millers, bakers, furniture makers, shoemakers etc. Farmers are often met going to the town market with a fat animal to sell. Master tradesmen have unruly apprentices, who after apprenticeship are sent on their Wanderjahr (wander-year) to perfect their skills in neighboring villages (Journeymen) until they can produce their “master -piece.”

Children, whether of nobility, tradesmen or peasant, had certain traits by birth order. The eldest was often responsible, sometimes haughty and entitled. The youngest was often ignored and so became resourceful. Middle children often “paired” with the eldest against the young kid.

Gender architypes? Well the most obvious thing is that women are regarded poorly in these stories. Hänsel and Grethel’s mother browbeats the kindly old woodcutter into abandoning their children in the woods and when resourceful Hansel leads them home by dropping white stones from the path, she locks the door so he can’t gather stones and must use  breadcrumbs.

Women are witches, evil stepmothers, uber-vain queens (“Looking glass, Looking glass on the wall, who’ in the land is the fairest of all?”). The wife  simply must have some rampion lettuce (Rapunzel) from the sorceress’s garden and so send’s her husband over the wall and then must give her firstborn daughter away. They are never satisfied like the poor fisherman’s wife who demands he ask more and more from the magic flounder until unhappy with the castle she ends them back in the hovel.,

Step parents  (especially step mothers) spoil their own offspring and are never nice to step children, (“Cinderella,” “The Three Little Men in the Wood,” “Brother and Sister”). Beautiful daughters can be sweet (Snow White and Rose Red) or conceited and demanding, (“King Thrushbeard”). Sons are either lazy good-for-nothings or resourceful (“The Knapsack, the Hat and the Horn”).

Rich men, kings, innkeepers, or robbers )are often greedy. Little people are magical, elves who make the shoemaker’s and dwarves,. The ugly and disabled are too often bad (Rumpelstiltskin, the witch in Hänsel and Grethel).

Wrong-doers are punished in a medieval way, putting on red-hot iron shoes or be pushed down a hill in a barrel with nails sticking inside. The Grimms took their name seriously.

These tales have entered language, culture and what the Germans call the Zeitgeist, ‘following breadcrumbs,” “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” “Needle in a haystack.”

Good Sense in Fairy Tales

First, there are no fairies in the Grimm collection I read. Cinderella gets her pretty ballgowns from a little white bird who sings in the hazel treen that grew from Cinderella’s mother’s grave, not some dragonfly-winged tiny grandmother spreading Disney-glitter. Still there is plenty of magic. The tales present a balanced view of the world, which might teach us today as they were intended to teach children of the medieval times.

Lesson number 1. The world is a dangerous place.  There are evil-doers everywhere, wolves in goat’s clothing, robbers, greedy-guts landlords and evil sorceresses who can curse you to sleep for a hundred years.. Even your siblings will sometimes do you dirt.

Lesson number 2. Magic abounds in the world if you know where to look. Elves can help you  make shoes “money while you sleep,” Little men in the wood can find you strawberries in winter. Talking frogs and bears can become princes. Brothers changed to ravens and swans can be returned to their human state by the love of a siter who completes a magical quest.

Lesson number 3. Don’t boast and keep your word. The miller’s daughter has to spin straw into gold (a brag from flax spinning into pricey linen thread0. The princess who goes back on her word to the frog to sleep with him. Many problems arise from a lack of humility and integrity.

Lesson number 4. Be kind to animals and the less fortunate.  Most Germanic tribes like the Celts are Indo-Europeans, peoples who migrated from India, so perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that karma reigns. What goes around comes around as animals and beggars save Simpleton in “The Queen Bee”, and Dummling in “The Golden Goose” and “The Little Peasant” ends up as the richest man in the village, (because everyone else kills themselves for greed).

Lesson number 5. With a little pluck you can make your own luck.  The Valiant Little Tailor transforms the confidence derived from “killed seven with one blow,” (flies no less) into a meteoric rise to royalty. The Bremen Musicians band together and drive off the robbers.

Some will like the Disneyfied versions of these tales because they are less gruesome, but even in the originals love conquers all; princess and prince and miller and his bride live happily ever after.