The Grey One’s Gift
The young one had a map of sorts, mostly a list of turns drawn on birchbark – arrow left at the big oak, right after the log bridge, and so on. The path was long for one so young, winding through a deep hardwood forest, crossing a rushing stream on a fallen log, then climbing through fir-filtered sunbeams almost to the tree line.
Finally a small clearing opened to the sky, where one could see up to the first ridge of the mountains and down to the village below. Across the clearing, nestled into the hillside was a cabin, so covered with lichens and mosses it seemed a part of the wood. Before it sat the Grey One, carving a stag from a small piece of wood. The horns of the animal were still blocky as was some of the body, but a near perfect hoof was raised as if the buck would prance off at any moment.
“I am sorry to disturb you, Grey One,” the young one said. “Wind sent me up this path to talk with you.”
“Ah, in trouble with the Elders?”
“No. Well, at least I don’t think so. The village is busy laying up grain and roots for winter, Maybe I was in the way. I ask a lot of questions. Wind just said “Go, it is your time.”
“I see. And what have you been asking about?”
“Oh, everything really. About the stars, and the animals, and where babies come from? Why some things grow and why other things die?”
The Grey One chuckled. “Yes, I see why they sent you. Did you have trouble finding me?”
“No. Wind gave me this drawing of the way.”
“Hold onto that. Come sit by me on the ground and lean your back against this tree. Let us see if we can answer some of those questions.”
The Grey One listened patiently. It seemed to the young one there were more questions asked than answered.
“And what do you think, young one?”
Towards the afternoon, the Grey One served warm soup retrieved from the cabin. After they ate, the Grey One said “I have a small gift for you, something you must practice. Sit with me upon the ground again.”
“Now close your eyes. Breathe softly, in through your nose, and out through your nose.”
After ten breaths breathing together, the Grey One said, “this is the Earth Breath. Through this breath you feel the Earth. Keep breathing as you listen to my voice.
“Breathe in through your nose, and out through your nose. Feel the ground beneath you, each grain of soil, each wet leaf and pebble. You are a part of the ground. As you feel your Connection to the Earth, think also of your Core. Become stronger of body and open of mind.” Be humble and grateful of spirit. The earth will guide you as you grow and improve your Core.”
Several silent moments passed. Then Grey One gave the young one an apple. “For your journey back. Use the bark drawing, backwards this time. Practice the gift of breath until we meet again.”
Seasons passed. The young one grew, and met the Grey One now and again in the wood near the village. The Grey One always asked “Do you practice the Earth Breath?”
“Yes Grey One.” This young one was diligent, grounding and growing.
Winters later, Wind said, “It is time to visit the Grey One.” The young one still had the birchbark and made the journey.
The Grey One asked. “What gives you joy? Do you sing? Or work with your hands?”
The Grey One listened, then shared a new practice.
“Practice this gift after the Earth Breath, still protect your Core, the health and fitness of your body, mind and spirit, and grow your connection to the Earth.
This is the Fire Breath – in through the mouth, and out through the nose. The Fire Breath is for your passions, your gifts, talents, your Capability. Nurture and grow your Capability the way we blow upon the saved coals from yesterday’s hearth to cook today’s meal.”
The young one committed to practice both Earth Breath and Fire Breath building Connection, Core, and Capability.
Seven season circles swirled past.
When the young one next readied for the climb up the path, Wind said, “Stop by the stream for a few moments and observe; the Grey One will ask you what you see.”
And the Grey One did ask.
“The water moves swiftly in some places; it eddies and pools in others. There is no holding it back. It fills in the spaces among the rocks, moves around them, or over them, it is always there and always moving.”
“Well observed, young one. Now Water Breath, in through the nose, and out through the mouth, can be added. With the Water Breath you connect with others the way the water adapts to the shapes around it. The stream rushes to a river, which glides along the loam banks to the sea, where the tides first hug and then push back from the shore.
Water is the essence of change and the Water Breath shows us how to adapt. Water connects to rocks and the shore, but is always water. So too, your Core connects and adapts to others, and may change with Love, but remains – you. The Water Breath is the first practice where breath leaves your mouth. Take care with your speech.”
“As a young one,” the Grey One said, “I was quick of mind and word, able to see solutions that eluded others. I spoke my mind, but was at times poorly received. I saw in a glass that I have two eyes and two ears, but one mouth. I learned, what is help is not mine to define. Now I watch and listen, but speak less.
Many winters travelled into memory.
Wind was now gray too. A kind face, formed in deep lines traced from years of smiles, spoke to the young one, now a new parent. “The Grey One feels winter’s breath and cannot make the journey to the village. Go now before snow closes the path.
And so this new parent, who practiced Earth, Fire, and Water Breaths, made the journey with no need for the birchbark map.
“I have one more practice to share, the Air Breath, in through the mouth, out through the mouth. It is a breath we all know from being winded; “out of breath” we say. The Air Breath is everything that unites us as people, as animals, and even vegetation, for do not the very trees breathe life into us. So the Air Breath is our beginning and our end. I have taught you this pattern.
Earth breath first, the Connection between your Core and the earth. Fire Breath, second, burn bright, as you blow on the coals of your gifts and passions. Water Breath third, your Connection through Love to others, never losing yourself. Water reminds us that Change is the primal law of all life. The first three breaths teach you to grow and build upon Core, Connections, and Capability.”
Now the Air Breath, is the symbol of your connection to all life, and bids you share your Contribution. Teach your capability to your family and friends, and with love to the stranger.”
“Breathe in, inspire. Breathe together, conspire with love. Breathe out, expire. You have naught to leave here but your gift to the world, your Contribution.”
A light snow began to fall. The former young one walked slowly back to a new family gathered around the hearth, and was grateful for the Grey One’s Gift.
Picture above is “River Dave” Lidstone near his woods cabin in Canterbury, NH in 2021 Original photo by Jodie Gedeon via AP