Whenever I failed at consulting, it almost always started with my belief that what I was doing would be easy.

Whenever I failed at consulting, it almost always started with my belief that what I was doing would be easy.
When you are bashing your client, you are deeming them unworthy of your help. Why would you “serve’ someone you considered unworthy of your service?
Sometimes what is wrong is unclear, a tangled mess of multiple interrelated problems. Here is how I learned to break such logjams.
Reflections on self-publishing a very niche book, leaving me humble and grateful.
Gratitudeis an important value for a good consultant.
An Eisenhower quote about plans and planning seems unintelligible to many, but contains the essence of strategy.
“I’m sorry. So Sorry. Please accept my apology,” ruminations on the first step in not being a terrible person anymore.
Genghis Khan killed forty million people. I don’t glorify his brutal war-lord behavior. He was nicer to his followers than his enemies and there are some surprising things to learn from his leadership.
Some lessons from Hamlet on how leaders might deal with flattery.
Anytime you lead a new group of people it is a new leader opportunity. The opportunity communicates how you value followers, or don’t. Unity, input, transparency, and fairness are watchwords.
People make Change happen. Unfortunately we don’t come with warning lights. Pay attention to language.
A window into Leadership Dysfunction. Don’t be this guy!
A shoeshine boy and his customer talk recession economics.
Ruminations on luck and superstition
Ruminating on how the brain progressed from the spoken to written word and beyond.
I can be patient about many things. I am relearning how to be patient about my health.
New Year’s resolutions are four thousand years old -will I keep mine this year?
Happy solstice, in the north our shortest day -and through export of religion, hope that the Light will come again
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